Skywalker Family, After dark?

Skywalker Family, After dark?

Italian Artist Renny (DeviantArt user Renny08, also Tumblr user Renny Skywalker) took an awesome take on the ultimate what if. What if Anakin Skywalker hadn’t  turned  to the dark side? What would scenes of his life have been. I know its silly to play with that...
The dark side now has burgers

The dark side now has burgers

The french are know for a great many refined things in the world, dainty cheeses, varied wines, and champagne. Well you can add another culinary masterpiece, with a little geek flair thrown in. Enter, with appropriate music of course, the Darth Vader (apprently Vador...
Caffination 477: Bringing it

Caffination 477: Bringing it

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSPlaying it fast and loose with technology and coffee news Every once in a while I get a bit down in the dumps about the site, or about the feedback. It didn’t last long this time. I had a friend start asking me...
Caffination 477: Bringing it

Caffination 438: Prep

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA lot of prep involved in making the Show and The Lair ready Things are getting crazy around the homestead. We have a lot of things to do, but half the fun in life is getting there. Also I’ve been  playing...