
Into every lair a little rain must seep

So this past week started out meekly enough but  unfortunately  mother nature doesn’t seem to like a steady state. We were forced to uproot and begin  renovations  on the CaffiNation Lair due to a wonderful mini flood. Nothing was lost except a good deal of time, with more to follow.

We did however managed to cobble together a  wonderfully  full show complete with Steampunk goodies, USB gadgets, and Caffeinated Detris. It will take more than a little flood to stop the flow of awesome content to you.

We run back over a couple of different posts from the last week give a bit of commentary as per usual and move throughout bits of fun and awesome that have graced the internet these past few days.

Live Show on Wednesday Nights at 11pm Eastern, except tonight

Geek Cruft

Food and Caffeinated Bits

Many Thanks for listening, Stay Caffeinated!

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