CaffiNation 553: Death of a legend

CaffiNation 553: Death of a legend

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThis started out as a very different show. And then a Legend passed away. Stan “The Man” Lee, co-father of the Marvel universe died at the age of 95 this past Monday. I tried to do honor to the man in a...
Hot times for an iced coffee

Hot times for an iced coffee

Summer may have just started here in the northern hemisphere but it is dang hot already and that means people are turning their heads towards iced coffee beverages. So once more I pick up my standard and fight against calling an iced latte an iced coffee. Iced coffee,...
Hurricane proof coffee?

Hurricane proof coffee?

Coffee When the Lights Go Out? It’s all about prep time people! So there is a big storm hitting the east coast right now. And if you’re like me you have water on hand first aid  kits  supplied and you are eyeballing your expensive coffee maker…...
Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Caffination Episode 480: Hoarse Mouth

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSo we’ll see how long tonight’s show ends up being I get  sick  every spring. this time it just took a bit longer to get here, and quite honestly I don’t know where it came from. I’m loosing...
Boog Coffee Warmer

Boog Coffee Warmer

There are many problems in a coffee drinking tech’s life. One of them is particularly egregious. Cold coffee, or at least coffee not at your optimal consuming temperature. We could do an entire article, and perhaps we will all about what temperature you like to...