CaffiNation 508: Traction

CaffiNation 508: Traction

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSGet a Grip… i.e. Looking for Traction. Sponsored by  Puzzle Piece Productions This week has been horrible. We lost track of time and I think a couple of days went by without us noticing. We are planning to get...
Caffination 507: Spooky Awesome

Caffination 507: Spooky Awesome

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSpooky Fun! Sponsored by  Puzzle Piece Productions This week has been a blur. Quite literally, between a car accident dealing with insurance companies, injuries and a Birth in the Family. The CaffiNation proudly...
Fall Flavours: Coffee Confections

Fall Flavours: Coffee Confections

The fine folks at KRUPS  have passed along a couple of fun fall themed coffee recipies. Now I know not everyone likes flavoured coffee or spiced lattes but there are a large portion of people who do. I for one love fall the season, and do try to enjoy a good coffee...