Light cycle comes to life

Light cycle comes to life

Anybody who has seen Tron, knows the best thing about the movie, other than the graphics, is the “Light Cycle.” Owning a bike that looks that good would cost you a pretty penny, $55,000 to be exact. You would find the gasoline powered “Light...
Gears of War 3 Bike

Gears of War 3 Bike

With the release of Gears of War 3 just 8 days away, what better way to get pumped up for it, then seeing a bike dedicated to Gears of War. Paul Teutul Jr., also know as Paul Jr, and the people at PJD have built a bike to for epic games in celebration of their release...
Bicycle Wine Rack

Bicycle Wine Rack

In our last little story we made the cycle a bit safer. In this story not so much. But if you need to securly transport a single bottle of wine from point A to point oh eight then you can always get down with the bike wine rack, made of leather straps and whimsy. For...
TiGr by John Loughlin Bike lock for the future

TiGr by John Loughlin Bike lock for the future

Cycling as both a hobby and a way to get somewhere in a dense urban area have  experienced  a  renaissance  of late. Could it be gas prices? Could ti be a focus on greener healthy living, or is it just practicality winning out over a cramped environment and everything...
CaffiNation 413: Bite Sized

CaffiNation 413: Bite Sized

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWhere oh Where di the blog post go? Server has been down / database problems abounding for a day now, and i’m back in. Somehow this episode got  deleted, but the fun thing about that is that it had been up for...