
No hand holding here

I’ve been eyeball deep in work and games for about two weeks now. I’m excited in that i did manage to crawl out of my whole at night to write some rather fun articles but man alive are these games GOOD! Alright you want to know what to expect on todays show? BOOO bet you didn’t expect that now did you? Things are cooling down in work, but a long hot summer of heavy work is ahead. Just remember in your own life people one small step at a time. Same thing goes for the site. i would love to tear this down and rebuild a newer 6 million dollar Caffination, the daft punk of CaffiNation, you know bigger better stronger faster and whatnot but we have to settle for incremental changes. The first thing that needed to go was the old mailing system, somehow iI dropped a good deal of people off the old list, so the new list is being built. Care to sign up, try this out.

Well on today’s show we poke a bear, talk some gaming and walk a thin line. All in all its a normal show with  extraordinary  content. We have DIY content at its best and some rather heavy duty awesome geek culture being thrown about. hopefully you will enjoy!

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Geek Cruft

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From the Chief Bean @ The CaffiNation Podcast
“High Octane Caffeine Culture & Technology News”
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The CaffiNation is a Puzzle Piece Production